Media procedures
All media inquiries should be directed to the communications team. For general press inquiries or to request an interview, please email
Our first priority is the safety and privacy of our patients and their families. Exhibiting sensitivity to all the patients, families and team members at Aurora Health Care is of vital concern.
Please do not come to our sites unannounced. Reporters, film crews and photographers must always be accompanied by a communications team member while on any of our campuses.
Members of the media may contact our communications team, and we will strive to connect you with experts for interviews. We'll also make efforts to contact patients upon your request to ascertain their interest in being interviewed. If a specific person requested by a reporter is not available, we may be able to provide an alternative source.
Release of patient information
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provides federal protection for personal health information held by covered entities, gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information and sets forth standards that we must follow with regard to release of patient information.
Because of HIPAA, patients over 18 or their legal guardian must sign a consent form before anyone who works at Aurora Health Care can release confidential information about a patient. Before being photographed or video recorded on Aurora Health Care campuses, patients or their legal guardians must sign a consent form. A member of our communications team can arrange consent.
No media interviews with Aurora Health Care representatives about patients will take place without the patient’s prior authorization. Only information specified on the authorization form will be released.
We reserve the right to not release information in certain situations.
One-word condition reports
Media inquiring about a patient’s condition should contact a member of our communications team with the individual's first and last name.
The following is intended to help members of the media and the public better understand legal issues and rules when seeking patient information from a health care provider.
One-word conditions
If a hospital patient has not requested that his or her information be withheld, a one-word condition may be released to anyone who asks about a patient by first and last name. One-word conditions may be released if:
- The patient is an inpatient
- The patient is age 18 or older
- The inquiring party knows the spelling of the patient’s first and last name
- The patient is in the facility’s patient directory (patients have the option to opt out)
Protections for minors and behavioral health patients
- All information regarding minors is completely protected unless a parent or legal guardian provides a release for that information. This includes verifying whether the child is receiving care at any Aurora facility.
- Patient information will never be released in cases involving mental health, substance abuse or developmental disabilities.
Definitions of one-word patient conditions as determined by the American Hospital Association
Undetermined – The patient is awaiting physician assessment.
Good – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable; indicators are excellent.
Fair – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious but may be uncomfortable; indicators are favorable.
Serious – Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill; indicators are questionable.
Critical – Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious; indicators are unfavorable.
When patient information is not released
If the patient is a minor (under the age of 18), no information will be released without the consent of a parent or legal guardian, even if the inquiring party has the patient’s first and last name.
A patient, or the person authorized to give consent, can opt out of providing information altogether.
We will not issue condition reports or statements on sexual assaults, child abuse, spousal abuse, mental illness, AIDS, suicide or suicide attempts, or cases involving drugs or alcohol.
We will not comment or provide condition reports on first responders.
Death of a patient
The death of a patient will be reported to the authorities by the hospital, as required by law.
The Aurora communications team will not confirm deaths for media and would refer inquiries to local Medical Examiner’s Offices.
Mass casualty
If there are mass casualties, we may release basic information, such as the aggregate number of victims and their general one-word conditions. However, individually identifiable patient information will not be released without a patient’s consent.