Health care costs

Get a cost estimate

If you’re an Aurora patient planning to schedule a specific service, you can find out the cost of care beforehand. You can get an estimate for common services and see your potential out-of-pocket costs. Get an estimate now.

You can also get a free cost estimate and more information about your financial responsibility as a patient by calling 800-326-2250.

Estimate questions & disputes

If you have questions about your estimate, call 800-326-2250. Email estimate disputes to

Financial assistance

See how financial assistance can help you cover the costs of care. Learn more about your options.

*Please note we're required to provide these lists in a machine-readable format, which contains lengthy and complex data meant to be read by a computer. We encourage you to contact your hospital for a free cost estimate and more information about your financial responsibility as a patient.

Aurora's standard charges

To help you understand the cost of health care and your financial responsibilities, we provide a list* of our standard charges at all our hospitals.

Patient billing protections

Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills

Predict health care costs at the hospital**

Want to find out the cost of a procedure, or see how different hospitals in Wisconsin compare?

Get the total cost for many procedures – and an estimated cost of your hospital stay – by using the health care cost estimator for individuals and families on Wisconsin PricePoint.

Health care costs at your doctor’s office**

Wisconsin PricePoint lists the average cost of many common procedures performed at a doctor’s office, with costs broken down by county. Costs are broken down by county, so you can get the most accurate estimate possible.

To see cost estimates by doctor’s office procedure, use the health care cost estimator for hospitals and health care professionals on Wisconsin PricePoint.†

**Prices may not reflect your out-of-pockets costs or the negotiated rates your health care provider has with your specific health insurance plan.

†Choose “Professional Services” as the service type.