Visitor information & amenities at Aurora Medical Center - Kenosha

Visitor policy

All Aurora facilities have a visitor policy in place that helps us ensure safe care. See our visitor policy


There is plenty of parking around the hospital.

Visiting hours

Visiting hours are from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.


Located on the first floor. Available 7 days a week. Monday-Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

  • Hot breakfast: 8-10 a.m.
  • Hot lunch: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
  • Hot dinner: 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m.

  • Continental breakfast: 6:30-11 a.m.
  • Hot lunch: 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
  • Hot dinner: 4:30-6 p.m.

Food is available 24 hours a day through vending machines. A microwave is located in the vending areas for your convenience. Snacks and beverages are located in the cafeteria area. Free coffee is available during cafeteria hours.

Hand washing

The best way to lower your risk of infection is by washing your hands. Use a soap-and-water scrub for 15 seconds, or rub your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer until dry. This will help prevent infection in yourself and also those around you. Clean your hands before and after you eat, after you use the restroom, after you sneeze or cough, and any other time your hands get dirty.


If you’re staying at an Aurora Medical Center for treatment, your dog can be brought in to visit with the permission of your care provider. Typically, dogs are the only pets allowed to visit, but you may ask your provider about other pets – the decision to allow other visiting pets is made on a case-by-case basis.

Ask your provider for details.

Smoke-free environment

Aurora Medical Center offers a tobacco-free environment. This means no smoking in or around the buildings. If you have concerns please talk with your doctor, nurse or respiratory care provider. Your doctor can order a nicotine replacement option for you, like a patch or gum. Your nurse or respiratory care provider can also offer you a Smoking Cessation Packet.

Spiritual care

Our chaplain is usually in the hospital during weekday hours but is also on call for urgent needs in the evening or on weekends. Please ask your nurse or call the operator if you would like us to contact the chaplain.


To place a local call:

  • Dial 9 + the number you are calling.

To call inside Aurora Medical Center, dial the 4-digit extension number. To place long-distance calls:

  • For outside operator services dial 9 + 0

You can call collect or charge it to your home or a credit card. You can purchase prepaid phone cards at the gift kiosk.

Cell phones and other radio transmission devices are not allowed in some areas of the hospital because they may interfere with certain types of medical equipment. Please ask your nurse where you can use your cell phone.


All medical/surgical patient rooms have a color television. Channel 96 is "The Patient Channel." GE Healthcare operates The Patient Channel, which has a wide variety of up-to-date health education topics. Channel 8 broadcasts WHBL radio.

Visitor food services

Food is available for visitors through the cafeteria or vending machines. Food purchased in the cafeteria or from the vending machines may be taken to the patient room. Patients need to check with their nurse if they request other food not on their diet.

Meal coupons are available from the nursing staff for $5. These coupons are good for meals or snacks offered in the cafeteria.


Gift kiosk

Aurora Medical Center – Kenosha’s gift kiosk is located on the first floor, north entrance, in the Aurora Medical Center lobby.

  • Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Closed on holidays

The gift kiosk is run by Aurora Medical Center Volunteers. Due to unforeseen events, sometimes the gift kiosk might be closed. We apologize for any inconvenience. Hours are subject to volunteer schedules. Call extension 6757 or the Volunteer office extension 5822 to confirm gift kiosk hours.

Vending machines

Food is available 24 hours a day through vending machines. A microwave is located in the vending areas for your convenience. Snacks and beverages are located in the cafeteria area. Free coffee is available during cafeteria hours.


Patients and visitors at Aurora Kenosha can now get onto the internet via wireless access. Access is available in the cafeteria and the hospital's family lounges, which are located throughout the facility. This service is provided free of charge.

Floor plans/wayfinding

Coming in for an appointment or a visit? We can help you find your way. Download the Aurora Medical Center in Kenosha Wayfinding Map and Visitor Information Guide. [PDF]

Visiting the hospital

Plan ahead for your surgery or get ready for a hospital visit with these tips.