Esophagogastro-duodenoscopy (EGD)

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The medical term for an EGD test is an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, also called an upper GI endoscopy, which allows your doctor to see inside the upper digestive system. EGDs are done at a clinic, outpatient surgical center or hospital. During the EGD procedure, your doctor inserts an endoscope (a flexible tube equipped with a light and tiny camera) down your throat to see inside the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine.

Your doctor may take tissue samples (biopsy) or perform treatments during EGD. EGD can also be used to stop bleeding, remove small growths, fix narrowed areas and remove foreign objects. Sometimes an EGD test is combined with an ultrasound. An ultrasound device is attached to the tube to use sound waves to take pictures of nearby areas that would not be seen with EGD alone.

What to expect from an EGD test

Before your EGD procedure, you may be asked not to eat or to drink only clear liquids. You might also need to avoid certain medications. You’ll be sedated with medication given through a needle in your arm (IV) before the procedure. Your doctor may numb your throat with a gargle before placing the endoscope (tube) in your mouth when you are asleep. Sometimes, the endoscope needs to be inserted through the rectum. As the endoscope goes through your upper digestive system, your doctor looks at the images from the camera on a screen.

Recovery from the EGD procedure

The EGD procedure takes around 10 minutes. You are monitored for about an hour afterward. You’ll need someone to drive you home after an EGD test. You might notice a sore throat for a day or two. Typically, you can eat and drink as usual at home. You won't be able to work afterward that day.

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