Nurse practitioner student clinical placement

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Clinician Student Services provides advanced nurse practitioner students with opportunities for inpatient and ambulatory placements with experienced Aurora clinicians – both advanced practice and physician – across our entire system.

Welcome Students

Are you an NP (nurse practitioner) or DNP (doctor of nursing practice) student? Clinician Student Services is responsible for coordinating placement for NP, DNP, CNM and CRNA students.

Interested in other APN opportunities, including CNS, MS, CNL and BSN completion?

Learn more about opportunities.

Application Process

Our detailed application process helps identify the ideal placement for students based on their program requirements and personal preferences.

  • APRN students seeking placement should reach out to Faith Casselman directly to see if they qualify for placement.
  • Students may not schedule directly with preceptors.
  • Starting March 1st, APRN students seeking placement should have their school coordinator or clinical director submit a request on MyClinicalExchange.
  • If you are on a nonclinical track or project phase in a DNP program, please contact us here.
  • If you are a PMHNP student, please reach out to Chelsea Schuebel
    • Please note that currently we are only accepting rotation requests for current Aurora Health Care Employees who are attending one of our core academic partner schools:
      • Alverno, Concordia, Herzing, Marquette, MSOE, UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee or UW-Oshkosh

Submitting a request does not guarantee placement.

Before you get started, please note the following:

  • All students need to have a current Wisconsin RN license to participate. Out-of-state school students need to provide proof of a current Wisconsin RN license.
  • In most circumstances, student preceptors will be Aurora Health Care employees. If the preceptor is not an employee, our legal department will need to be involved for special contract negotiations.
  • Starting July 1, 2024, a $500 administrative fee per semester-long rotation will be applied to APRN students who rotate in our facilities the Wisconsin market. This fee applies to all APRN (CRNA, NP, CNM, CNS-prescriber) students with clinical rotations. The fee will be billed directly to the academic programs based on the number of confirmed APRN placements, though it is up to the discretion of academic institutions if they will be passing the fee onto their students.

All requicontact-usrements and forms must be on file with your school for regulatory purposes.

Student Resources

Clinician Student Services is dedicated to making sure that students gaining clinical experiences at Aurora are valued, supported and given every opportunity for success. We offer health and wellbeing services, help with housing and ways to get involved in the community.

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Contact the Program

Connect with a Clinician Student Services coordinator today.

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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Aurora’s broad and integrated system not only affords you new opportunities but also new places to explore – from Lake Geneva to Milwaukee to Green Bay.

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Visiting Students

Learn from expert medical professionals in an urban community.

Student Resources

Our resources set students up for personal and professional success.

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