Aurora Help Center
From the LiveWell with Advocate Aurora Health app and website to our telehealth visit options, we’re always working to give you better access to world-class care. And we’re here to help answer your questions, too.
What can we help with?
Choose a topic to discover answers to your questions or get additional help.
LiveWell app and website
Learn how to create an account, download the app and get started with LiveWell’s great features.
Get started with a virtual visit: Quick Care Video Visits, video visits with your provider, and e-visits.
COVID Resources
Find out how to schedule your vaccination, check your symptoms, see our visitor policy and more.
Making an appointment online? Need a new doctor? We’ll help you schedule right from their profile.
Cyber health
Making an appointment online? Need a new doctor? We’ll help you schedule right from their profile.
Health education resources
These online libraries give you access to trusted, easy-to-read health and medication information.
Learn about more than 4,000 health topics, including conditions, treatments and procedures.
Children’s Resource Center
Find trusted resources such as ebooks, articles, and age-appropriate health information for kids.
Learn about more than 33,000 prescriptions, over-the-counter products and nutraceuticals.
Get more help
We help you live well. And we’re here for you in person and online.