Amputee physical therapy

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We help people maximize the functional use of an upper or lower extremity following an amputation. Aurora Health Care's amputee services help you regain and maintain independence. Our specialized treatments include:

  • Comprehensive training with an upper extremity prosthetic device to use during your daily activities
  • Comprehensive training with a lower extremity prosthetic device to maximize your mobility, gait quality and balance while helping prevent falls
  • Thorough evaluation and recommended care plans to improve your strength, range of motion, pain control, skin health and integrity, and prosthetic fit
  • Personalized assessment of your independence in your home and community

You’ll receive additional resources for community support, peer visitation and adaptation skills for life after amputation.

Contact us

Let us help you get back to doing the things you enjoy most. Contact us to get answers to your questions about amputee physical therapy.

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We help you live well. And we’re here for you in person and online.