Stroke physical therapy

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A stroke occurs when blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain are interrupted due to a blockage or rupture. This causes the brain to have trouble sending messages to the body. The effects of a stroke depend on several factors including the type, location within the brain and size of the injury.

Rehabilitation after stroke

The goal of treatment with physical therapy after a stroke is to help you regain as much independence and quality of life as possible. Research shows that early intervention helps your brain make new connections in healthy areas surrounding the injury. Your care team can guide you by providing specific activities and exercises to promote recovery and rehabilitation after stroke.

During your initial treatment session, our specialists will evaluate your current abilities and identify what you’d like to accomplish. Then, we’ll use this information to design an exercise and activity program to help you optimize your functioning levels. Your stroke rehabilitation program will include exercises you can also do at home.

After completing your initial treatment, you may need to return to the clinic for additional physical, occupational or speech therapy if you have new symptoms or new problems with daily activities. We’ll address any concerns and provide more training to help minimize daily challenges and limitations.

What physical therapists do

  • Physical therapists work to restore movement and stability. They prescribe strengthening, balance and coordination exercises to improve your walking, balance and safety.
  • Occupational therapists help you relearn the skills you need for everyday activities. To support your independence, they’ll teach you how to accomplish various tasks, such as dressing, making a meal, returning to work and driving. They’ll provide training on the use of specialty equipment and strategies for achieving your personal goals.
  • Speech-language pathologists (also known as speech therapists) work with people who are having difficulties with speech, swallowing and language. Following your personal assessment, they’ll develop a treatment plan focused on improving your speech, swallowing, memory, thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Recreational therapists can adapt the activities that you enjoyed prior to your stroke to your current skill level. They’ll help you explore new interests, assist with support groups, and use leisure activities to promote recovery.

Advanced treatments for stroke rehabilitation

We are committed to stroke support and recovery for all survivors and their families. Aurora offers a wide range of services that combine technology with evidence-based physical, occupational and speech therapy techniques to maximize your improvement, including specialized splints, electrical simulation, robotics, and virtual reality simulations. Beginning treatment as soon as possible will speed your recovery.

Are you at risk for stroke?

Most strokes are preventable, and many of the risk factors are controllable. Our stroke risk quiz will help you estimate your chances of experiencing one, find ways to minimize your risk and give you an idea of what to do next based on your results.

Take the stroke quiz

Contact us

Contact us with your questions about how physical and occupational therapy can help after a stroke.

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